Divorce & Family Law
Divorce & Family Law Services: An Overview
Our divorce lawyer Malaysia offers sensible and professional family law services, including divorce and family law related services, to individuals and families in Malaysia as well as clients residing overseas. If you are looking for a reliable and trusted divorce lawyer in Kuala Lumpur (KL) & Selangor, you may want to talk to us to find out more on how we can help.
Every divorce is different, and we tailor our services to your specific needs. We understand how difficult it is to go through a divorce and we will do everything we can to make this painful process easier for you.
From filing a joint petition for divorce to handling complex and contentious divorce proceedings, you can trust our divorce lawyers to fight for your best interest. Our divorce team is well versed with the divorce & family law in Malaysia as well as proceedings in the family courts.
Why go alone into battle on your divorce? Our team of divorce lawyer Malaysia can help you get through it with as little trauma as possible.
We’ll make sure you get through this difficult time with as little hassle as possible.
Our divorce & family law services:
- Divorce Proceedings (Joint Petition & Single Petition for Divorce)
- Cross-Border Divorce (Malaysians seeking Divorce from Overseas)
- Foreign Spouse Divorce (Divorce involving Foreign Spouse in Malaysia)
- Custody Application (also known as Interim Custody Application)
- Maintenance Application
- Division of Matrimonial Assets
- Registration of Foreign Divorce in Malaysia
- Variation of Divorce Order (also known as Amendment of Divorce Order)
- Annulment
- Judicial Separation
- Pre-Nuptial Agreement
- Post-Nuptial Agreement
- Adoption
- Mediation
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Divorce and Family Law in Malaysia: Your Legal Guide
大多数人在离婚时可能会忽略探望权这一细节,而这看似不起眼的问题实际上对孩子和离婚双方都至关重要。尤其是合理探望权,很容易在表面上被省略,但在实际执行中,又很大可能引发矛盾和争议,成为离婚后的一大难题。本文将提及如何在离婚协议中明确规定探视权细节、以及应对对方阻止探访时的合法手段。 什么是探视权? 探视权,即Visitation Right / Access Right,是指离婚后,非直接抚养子女的一方,仍然有权利与未成年子女保持联系、探望、会面等。法律上认为,只要父母关系存在,探望权就应该是非直接抚养一方的基本权利。 如何避免失去探视权? 1. 仔细拟定离婚协议: 在签署离婚协议之前,建议您坚持让律师详细解释所有条款,确保你对探望权的了解充分。为了维护您的权益,最好选择拥有自己的代表律师。 2. 离婚协议明确规定探望时间: 在协议中,尽量将探望时间规定得更为具体,例如周末的具体时间段、学校假期、节庆的安排等。这些看似繁琐的规定能够有效避免离婚后的不必要纠纷。 正式离婚后对方不给看孩子,应该如何处理? 1. 与前配偶沟通和协商: 首先,试图通过与对方的沟通,协商出一个双方都能接受的探访时间表。如果对方愿意配合,这是最理想的解决方式。 2. 透过合法法律程序: 在对方不愿意合作或无法达成协议时,可以寻求法律途径。聘请律师,向法院起诉,请求法院判决对方给予探望权。在诉讼中,提供离婚协议、与孩子的感情联系证据以及对方拒绝探访的证据将有助于案件的胜诉。 总体而言,离婚后的探望权问题需要在离婚协议中精确细致地规定,通过积极沟通和合作解决,如有需要可寻求法律援助,以确保孩子的权益得到最大程度的保障。父母的责任不会因婚姻解除而终结,应该以孩子的利益为重,为其提供持续的支持和关爱。在面对抚养权问题时,确保法律程序得以妥善执行,有助于避免不必要的纠纷,为离婚后的生活创造更为顺利的过渡。 提醒: 本文仅为一般信息和参考之用,不应被视为法律建议。如有任何不确定之处,请咨询专业律师以获取准确的法律建议。 如需专业律师协助?我们随时为您提供支持! 如果您在处理孩子的抚养权、监护权或探望权方面遇到问题,我们理解这可能是一段艰难的时期。律师的专业意见和协助可能对解决问题起到关键作用。 请填写以下免费咨询表格,我们将尽快与您联系,为您提供个性化的法律建议和支持,确保您的权益得到充分保障。